Electric Baby

We are excited to begin the Electronic Babies Project this week, an innovative and immersive learning experience designed to deepen the understanding of caregiving, responsibility, and empathy. In this unique assignment, students will have the opportunity to care for and nurture electronic babies, simulating the responsibilities of parenthood.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Responsibility: Through the care of the electronic baby, the students will learn the importance of being responsible for another being's well-being. From feeding and changing diapers to providing comfort and attention, they will develop a sense of accountability and commitment.

  • Time Management: Balancing the demands of school, extracurricular activities, and personal life can be challenging. The Electronic Babies Project will teach the students valuable time management skills as they will need to prioritize the needs of their virtual infant while fulfilling their other obligations.

  • Empathy and Compassion: Caring for a baby requires understanding and empathy. By interacting with their electronic baby, the students will develop a deeper sense of compassion and empathy towards others, recognizing the importance of meeting their emotional and physical needs.

  • Decision Making: Throughout the project, they will face various scenarios and challenges, requiring them to make decisions that impact the well-being of their electronic baby. These decision-making experiences will help sharpen the students critical thinking skills and prepare them for real-life situations.

  • Communication and Collaboration: The Electronic Babies Project encourages communication and collaboration among students. The students will have the opportunity to exchange tips, strategies, and support their fellow peers, fostering teamwork and camaraderie.

I encourage the students to approach this assignment with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Embrace the challenges and joys of parenthood in a safe and supportive environment. This experience is not only about taking care of a virtual infant; it's about personal growth, empathy, and preparing the student for the responsibilities of adulthood.

Please if you see any students with these wonderful babies wish the students the best of luck as they take this journey with their electronic baby!


Mrs. Johnson

Psychology/ Child Psychology and Development

Hillside High School