The JETS team accompanied by their advisor Ms. Ebong competed last week in the TSA STEM competition.

The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national organization of students engaged in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

Student Members
Open to students enrolled in or who have completed technology and education courses, TSA’s membership includes more than 300,000 middle and high school students across the United States. TSA is supported by educators, parents, and business leaders who believe in the need for a technologically literate society. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities, and much more. A wide range of activities makes TSA a positive experience for every student.


Imagine an activity so captivating that your students spend hours working on it for weeks at a time. That is what can happen when TSA members engage in TSA competitions. Only TSA members have the opportunity to compete at exciting state conferences and then at the annual National TSA Conference. Expert judging by technology and engineering educators and industry representatives inspires the best from participants. Members are rewarded not only with medals or trophies, but also with memories of the camaraderie and the challenge of participating in a National TSA Conference.