Hillside Public Schools has collaborated with @scholastic and will work together during the school year to "foster a love for reading, improve literacy skills, and cultivate welcoming spaces for families and caregivers to engage in children's education"! The Scholastic R.E.A.L. (Read, Excel, Achieve, Lead) mentorship program will support Hillside community members in mentoring students through monthly, interactive book read-alouds and discussions! Thank you @scholastic, Superintendent Glover, Dr. Terica Butler, the Hillside Board of Education, and shout out to @hillside_firefighters, @hillsidepolicenj, Hillside Public Schools staff, students, and families! #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #scholastic #scholasticbooks #reading #newpride #newpathways #newpossiblities

Hillside Public Schools collaborates with Scholastic!
September 18, 2024